
Writing since the age of twelve, Barbara Bald has always been enamored by the music of words and awed by how they combine to create images in the mind and stir the heart. For ten summers, she attended the Frost Place Poetry Festival in Franconia, NH, and worked at the museum for several summers.

Barbara was a science educator for middle school students for twenty-two years. She also worked for NHPTV in the area of instructional television. She was a counselor and a teacher of life education. Presently she is a free-lance writer and offers integrative enrichment opportunities for both children and adults.

Barbara has a passion for the wilderness and animals; in fact for many years she lived with her dogs, cat and fish in a riverside cabin without power or plumbing for three months of the year. She hikes, kayaks, snowshoes, tracks animals and writes her best poetry in the forest.

Her poems have been published in a variety of anthologies: The Other Side of Sorrow, The 2008 and 2010 Poets’ Guide to New Hampshire and For Loving Precious Beast. They have appeared in the The Northern New England Review, Avocet, Off the Coast and in multiple issues of The Poetry Society of New Hampshire’s publication: The Poets’ Touchstone. Her work has been recognized in both national and local contests including the Rochester Poet Laureate Contest, Lisbon’s Fall Festival of Art Contest, Conway Library’s Annual Contest, Goodwin Library’s Annual Contest and The Poetry Society of New Hampshire’s National and Member Contests. Her new full-length book is called Drive-Through Window.

Intrigued by inter-species connections, she recently fulfilled her dream of swimming with manatees and looks forward to visiting Alaska when brown bears are feeding on salmon. Barbara lives in Alton, NH with her dog Hannah, cat Catcher, a Siamese fighting fish and a tank of Madagascar hissing cockroaches.

                                                                        Barbara Bald